The overview page
Patients: If you log in as a patient with a reference number, you will be directed to the respective request (see DeepUnity PACSonWEB study page).
Registered users: If you log in with an account, you will be directed to the overview page. Here you will see a list of all the studies you have access rights to view.
You can have access rights on a study because:
you are the requesting physician (or CC physician)
a colleague in your group practice is the requesting physician and studies are shared within the group practice
you have added the study to your list using the reference number (See Adding a study)
the study was shared with your user, your group or your medical department (See Sharing studies from the overview page)
you are member of the user group or admin group of a radiology department
By default, the overview page only contains studies that are available in the central DeepUnity PACSonWEB cloud environment.
A medical imaging department can opt to process the images also locally by a local image cache (see Local image cache) to make the images available faster within the local network.
If your user has access rights to such a local image cache, the overview page will also contain all studies that are available through the local image cache.
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For Mammograms the images will remain on DeepUnity PACSonWEB for a default period of three years. For other studies, images will remain on DeepUnity PACSonWEB for one year.
To consult an older study, contact the radiology service.
The study list
The list reloads automatically every 5 minutes.
To refresh the list manually, click Reload at the bottom of the page.
The list is limited to the 100 most recent studies.
To display more specific results or look for older studies, you can use filters.
You can select all the studies that are shown in your overview list.
To select all studies, check the top box in the first column.
This box will also display the number of studies selected.
Opening a study from the overview page
The overview page lists all the studies you have access to. When you click on a study from this list, the study will be opened by default in the active tab.
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If the related setting has been activated for your account, you can open different studies within the same browser tab. Clicking on a study from the overview page will open that study in the active window and tab.
To open a study from the overview page in a new tab, you can use any of the following options:
Ctrl + Shift + left click on the study
Ctrl + left click on the study
Click on the study using the scroll wheel