Important! Belgian users can create an account by registration through e-ID or by requesting an account as described below.
Other countries have to contact the radiology service whose studies they wish to view.
Important! DH Healthcare GmbH may only provide accounts to health care providers who are authorised to request a radiology study.
Eligible: GPs, specialists, dentists
Not eligible: physical therapists, osteopaths, nursing staff, patients (logging in is only possible by clicking on “I am a patient or health care provider who wants to log in with the reference number”).
Tip: If you are working in a group practice, DeepUnity PACSonWEB offers the possibility to grant access automatically to all members of the group to all exams that have been requested by any of the members.
This is, however, only possible if all members of the group practice, have a personal DeepUnity PACSonWEB account.
The request to link different accounts into a group practice can be submitted to the service desk.